How to update EzSeries - EzServer, EzDenti and Ez3Di to latest version

Written on Jun 3, 2020

Before updating to latest version of EzSeries there are a few things that you will want your IT consultant to do first. Please ensure this process is handled by a certified IT consultant to handle all aspects of the upgrade process.

While this task is a very simplified process, we do recommend that only IT consultants follow these guides to ensure proper upgrade occurs and all data is retained as required by HIPAA.

A. Understanding Software versions:

In order to ensure you are updating and installing the proper versions, use the following break down to determine the proper verison combinations to use.

New Version support list: Must update all software to matching versions as follows or newer* on Server Location (Where database is installed), Capture PC, and All Workstations.


Current Version:

EzServer: (Service Version)

-Must Update EzDent-i Version 3.5.1

-Must update Ez3D-i to version 5.5.0

-Must update 3DDX Sender to version 1.2.0

-Must update Davis Toolkit to version 2.2.14

File manager Use Port: 43112

Note: Must reboot after upgrading or installing this version.

NOTICE:Before updating to the latest version of EzServer, version 5.1.1 must be in use to prevent failure of starting services.If you are on an older version locate your version below and follow the update sequence to get to the latest version.

You can locate the current version you are on by looking at "Add or Remove Programs" or from control pannel "Uninstall A Program", look for 'EzServer' in the list and it will be noted the version currently installed.

Updating versions steps:

Previous versions before 2.3.4 they must update to 2.3.4.

Version 2.3.4 to version 3.0.8

Version 3.0.8 to 4.1

Version 4.1 to  5.1.1.

Version 5.1.1 to  5.3.3

Once you have updated to 5.3.3 you can update to the current version*



Previous Versions for installation (non update):

Note:   For Previous versions please see the How to Install EzSeries Guide here / Prevoius Version Installers



B. Download update:


Downloads are availilbe on Vatech America's website under service and support and Common links.

Core Programs:

EzServer Download: -Download EzServer, Consult Data, Implant Database & Davis ToolKit if applicable. - Server Location

EzDent-i Download -Download EzDenti Installation - Workstations/Server

Ez3d-i Download Download Ez3D-i Installation (3D Devices Only) - Workstations/Server





C. Backing up the database.


Before updating EzServer, we advise that you first Backup the database by following the Backup Documentation Guide located here.
It is required that a full and complete backup is made and confirmed before proceeding.



D. Software Updating:

All can be ran as update over the top of existing version by Clinical IT. No additional support is normally required however -  Vatech America can assist with updating EzServer and Capture PC; however Clinic IT will be required to ensure working backup is in place before updating and also assisting with updating Workstations.

In some limited cases EzDent-i and Ez3D-i might prompt to uninstall too old of a version before installing the new version. SImply use add/remove programs to uninstall the program first before updating (This excludes EzServer)

Updating EzServer:

To update the EzServer after the required backup is completed;

  • Locate the downloaded EzServer installation files from step A.
  • Right Click on the Setup Wizard and click "Run as Administrator"
  • You will then be prompted to update version, click OK and next all the way through.
  • Once EzServer has updated; you will then want to install the updated Consult Data and Implant database. Simply Right click and Run-As Admin, next all the way through.

ProTip 1:

When updating from previous versions of EzServer (3.1.x to 4.0 or higher) you will need to update the EzWebServer storage path if the default C:\Program Files (x86)\Vatech\Common\FM\FMData\ is not the location in the case the data was moved to another drive letter or folder location. If this is not updated then the clients will not see the images*.

If you need to update the storage file path to match the previous storage path or you would like to move the data file path, please follow this guide:

ProTip 2:

After updating if the Service: EzWebService does not add you will need to uninstall "EzServer" from add/remove programs, then run the update installer.


Updating EzDent-i

To update the EzDenti on the Capture PC* and Workstations*:

  • Locate the downloaded EzDent-i  installation files from Step A.
  • Right Click on the Setup Wizard and click "Run as Administrator"
  • You will then be prompted to update version, click OK and next all the way through.
  • If prompted to select the installation type you will choose the following: Workstation or Console (Capture PC) select the proper type based on the station you are on. Note: All stations OTHER than the Capture PC are considered 'Workstation' type.
  • After update is finished; you will need to Run EzDent-i from the desktop launcher.
  • When prompted at startup point to the IP address of Server (If remote) or if the data base is local on the Capture PC*. You can follow instructions here if you run into any issues.


Updating Ez3D-i

To update the EzDenti on the Capture PC* and Workstations*:

  • Locate the downloaded Ez3D-i  installation files from step A.
  • Right Click on the Setup Wizard and click "Run as Administrator"
  • You will then be prompted to update version, click OK and next all the way through.
  • After update is finished; you will need to Run EzDent-i from the desktop launcher.



E. Connecting to the server

When installing or updating EzDent-i and Ez3D-i for the first time you will be prompted to select the quick settings as shown below.

  • Locate the proper version from section A. and determine the listed port number for that version*.
  • Fill in the proper port number in the 'Port' Field as shown below.
  • Once you have entered the port you can either hit 'Search' and it will give you a list of availible servers or you can manually type the IP address in the IP Address Field if you already know it.
  • If the data base is local select
  • Leave the Settings Location as 'Local', Do not use 'Server' as it will result in errors if you use it.
  • Change the Teeth Code from FDI to Universal System
  • Save options can be selected for user preference but Vatech recommends to set all options to 'Auto Db Save'

  • Have the user verify that they can still view and open images
  • Have the user verify they can take and save all images normally.

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