Migration: How to Move or Merge Databases for EzSeries: EzDent-i & Ez3D-i

Written on Aug 15, 2019

It is highly recommended that this guide be used only by qualified IT Consultants to move or merge EZDent-i database in accordance with HIPAA retention regulations.

All proper backups must be made in advance of conversion process. Vatech America holds no liabilty in the event of failure to follow recomendations or proper adhearence to conversion process steps.

WARNING: Before proceeding, please verify that you have a proper, working backup.

If no backup is made in advance please follow these guides on DB Back Up for your Software System:

Backing up the Database:

Please follow the following FAQ guide for determing where the database is located and what to backup:

EzDent-i Backup Guide


Things to check first:

  • Target DB can only be migrated once. Duplicate charts and Conflicting Chart numbers will not be migrated and will need to be done manually.
  • Source is where the current DB to be migrated resides
  • Target is where the new DB will be migrated to.
  • Ensure that the target hard disk has sufficient free space before starting.
  • Network speed will affect the transmission of the migration through the office network.
  • Makes sure EzDent-I VT File Manager are running
  • on both Source and Target PCs.Make sure EzDent-I PostgreSQL are running on both Source and Target PCs.Source and Target PC’s EzServer versions must match.

Once back up is confirmed good and working, we may continue to the first step.



Installing EZServer:

Installation of EzServer* package should be installed on to the PC/Server you want the EzDent-I DB to reside on.

To determine the version of EZServer:

Before Starting the Migration process you will need to verify the version you are currently using and verify compatibility.

EzServer - Server Compatibility Guide

Note: If migrating to Server 2022* you MUST upgrade EzServer to Version or Newer before migration can occur please follow the EzSeries Update Guide to update EzServer to the latest version before migrating.

You can locate the version of EzServer by using the installation version shown in 'Add or remove programs' located in the control pannel of the *TARGET* PC.


  • Search from the Windows search box 'remove' and choose Add or remove programs' App (Older versions of windows might be add/remove programs


  • Search and select the 'EzServer' - you will see the version number.

  • This will be the version you will want to download and install on the Target (NEW) location you desire to move the data too.

    You may find the download link for EzServer, ConsultData, and ImplantData here


Migration Tool:

The Migration tool is placed on the source PC with the target DB to be migrated.

EzServer Version In Use:                       VTMigration Tool To use:

Up to Version 2.2.0                       Ver.  v2.0.2.1

Up to Version 4.1.6                       Ver.

Version 5.1.1 and Up                    Ver. 3.2.5

Pro TIp:
*It is recommended that you use the latest version of EzSeries: EzServer, EzDent-i, Ez3D-i and use the latest Migration Tool


Downloading Migration tool:

1st: Migration tool can be found in the following link:

VTMigration - Migration Tool

2nd: Extract the Migration tool zip folder to the desktop and Navigate to the Bin folder in the VTMigrator folder:


Using the Migration tool

And run the VTMigration.exe to start and the Analysis screen will open:

 In Migration Type, select the software you want to migrate:

You must select: EzDent-I -> EzDent-I

EzDent-I -> EzDent-I migration can only be done through the network.


Click Search Server and locate the correct IP Address of the new target location of the EzDent-I DB.

  • You will need to have already installed EzServer on the other target location.
  • You may need to change the port number to match installation of EzServer. (Default:55001)

You would use this to move the EzDent-I DB from the Capture PC to an office server or one office server to another new server.

  • The migration tool leaves the source intact, so it is recommended to keep these files as a back up.

Data Range: Range is an option for you to migrate data from a certain period only. Select this option to migrate data of a certain period. Deselect the option to migrate entire data.

 Once you are ready please press Start.

Please refer to the Appendix for more information found on the window above.

 When the migration is complete, you will get a Migration Report.

The number of migrated patients of the result report represents the number of patients whose data was successfully migrated.

  • The report can be found in the Report folder as “Report[Migration Date].txt”
  • For any failed files, you may try the Retry Failed Files button to try and migrate that data over.

Failed files are files that cannot be migrated due to conflicts, or do not exist anymore (may have been deleted/moved).

  • The report will give you the reason for the failure and you may need to manual import the Chart and files over to EzDent-I, if possible.

When selecting EzDent-I -> EzDent-I, only the patient information and image data are migrated and the following are not merged:

  • You will now manual upload any patient charts that did not migrate over.
  • You will also need to install the ConsultData and ImplantData (If needed) on the PC where the EzServer was installed.

When selecting EzDent-I -> EzDent-I, only the patient information and image data are migrated and the following are not merged:

  • Setting data
  • FMX Layout created by FMX Layout Editor
  • Implant DB
  • Consult related data
  • Consult category info and contents
  • Report file and related info
  • Ez3D-I related data


Video Guide:


Configuration of EZSeries to New IP address


The final step you will need to configure EzDent-i & Ez3D-i (if in use) to point to the new server location.  In order to point the software to the new loaction,
please follow the following guide:

How to Configure EzSeries Configuration




Source Info: Source environment analysis info

Patient Count: Total number of patients for migration (duplicate patients are excluded)

File Path (or IP): Source file path for migration

Fie Count: Total number of images for migration

Valid File Count: Number of valid image files

Invalid File Count: Number of invalid image files

Total Valid File Size: Total size of valid image files

Require Space: Required space for files

Target Info: Target environment analysis information

File Path (or IP): Target file path for migration

Free Space: Available disk space

Analysis Report button: Display the detailed report information of the analysis stage

Reset button: Return to the analysis setup stage

Start button: Execute migration

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