Articles for "EzSensor Twain" Tag

2 article(s) found for this tag.
  • EzSensorHD & Wave : XDR Twain Configuration

    Launch XDR imaging softwareClick on the “Settings” button on the left pane At the following window, select the “More Advanced Settings” windowThe software will ask for a password to enter the “More Advanced Settings” tab Password to enter is xdrtechOn the left drop down at the top (Select Device To Create or Edit...

  • Do I need a TWAIN driver for this sensor to twain into other Image softwares?

    No, conveniently enough the TWAIN driver is installed automatically when the sensor is installed so no need to worry about the TWAIN function.Just make sure to have your IT or the support of the Image software, configure your imaging software accordingly selecting the Vatech Twain listed (It will auto populate).