SDK: Bridging 2D/3D Dolphin Imaging Integration

Written on Sep 1, 2023

WorkFlow Video


Setup SDK:  Bridging 2D/3D Dolphin Imaging Integration

First you will need to use a file labeled DolphinScan.ini.

Downlaod: DolphinScan_greenX.ini

Installation Video:

This file can be adjusted depending on the unit’s name to be launched within Dolphin Imaging. The image below was configured for a Green X but can be changed depending on the unit installed.


Once the Scanner name is verified. The DolphinScan.ini will need to be saved within the Windows folder.



Launch the Dolphin Imaging software. Select a patient to save the image into. On the left side of the software, please find the button labeled 3D



You will then find a drop-down menu, please find the Vatech Unit’s name that was configured. Once selected, this will launch the interface and then open the Vatech Capture software


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