Articles for "HD Sensor"

12 article(s) found for this tag.
  • EzSensorHD & Wave : XDR Twain Configuration

    Launch XDR imaging softwareClick on the “Settings” button on the left pane At the following window, select the “More Advanced Settings” windowThe software will ask for a password to enter the “More Advanced Settings” tab Password to enter is xdrtechOn the left drop down at the top (Select Device To Create or Edit...

  • Compatibility SDK Bridge & Twain Integration Guide

    Datagrabber & SDK integration Compatibility for Vatech Software - The following chart to be used to identify Dattagrabber Functionality for Practice Management Software Bridging to EzDent-i / Easydent4 Direct SDK from Practice Management to EzDent-i/Easydent4 Twain for 2D & IntraOral HD Sensors.Note: Not all programs capable of twaining are...