Articles for "Green X"

4 article(s) found for this tag.
  • SDK: Bridging 2D/3D Dolphin Imaging Integration

    SDK: Bridging 2D/3D Dolphin Imaging IntegrationFirst you will need to use a file labeled DolphinScan.ini.Downlaod: DolphinScan_greenX.iniThis file can be adjusted depending on the unit’s name to be launched within Dolphin Imaging. The image below was configured for a Green X but can be changed depending on the unit installed.Downlaod: Dolphin...

  • How To Add Clinic or Dr. Name To Pano Image

    If you would like to add the Clinic or Dr. name to the Panoramic Marker information (inidcated in read below)  this can be done by replacing the Manufacture information marker with the Clinic / Dr. name. Updateing Manufacture information markerTo update the Manufacture informaiton marker, we will access the User control pannel of the Capt...

  • Capture PC Specs: What PC should I use for my Capture Computer?

    Vatech America recommends that you consult with an IT professional to determine your exact needs. The PC that came new with the equiptment 'As delivered by Manufacture' is the PC that you need but sometimes clinics like to upgrade. Verify Windows CompatibilityFirst you need to verify that if your replacement PC is coming with Windows 1...

  • Compatibility SDK Bridge & Twain Integration Guide

    Datagrabber & SDK integration Compatibility for Vatech Software - The following chart to be used to identify Dattagrabber Functionality for Practice Management Software Bridging to EzDent-i / Easydent4 Direct SDK from Practice Management to EzDent-i/Easydent4 Twain for 2D & IntraOral HD Sensors.Note: Not all programs capable of twaining are...