Articles for "EzDent 4"

20 article(s) found for this tag.
  • NCSW - Error E011, Error 11, Error 30 or empty box with Red X

    When trying to take images 2d Panoramic/Ceph or 3D CT images - Capture program produces "Error Code 11" or "Error Code 30" as shown below. In some cases you might get a blank empty box appear having only image of a Red XError [Code:11] / Error [Code:30] will also appear as shown below  In some cases; an Empty Box - Hav...

  • How to configure Easydent4 to connect to Database and File Server

    The first thing you will need to know is where the Database "DB Server" and File Server "F-Server" is located at. This is typically on the Capture PC or Central Server. For this type of station you will use "Local Host"For all others you will need your IT to provide the IP address of the appropriate system where the DB...

  • How to import CT image into Easydent4

    First you will want to have the chart already entered into Easydent4, pull the chart up so you can confirm the chart number, we recommend writing it down as we will need it later on. Next you will need to open a browser window, you can access this by hitting the Start button on your computer and then opening up "Computer" or "Th...

  • How do I print in Easydent4

    Easydent4 uses a 'Reporting' function for printing images; to include patient information; selected image or screen shots as well as case notes (If any of your choosing).To access the "Report" function, click File ---> Report-or-  you can use the standard windows short cut Ctrl +P

  • How do I export images from EasyDent4?

    Panoramic and Cephalometric images can be exported by clicking on the File tab in EayDent4. The drop down menu will then present you a “Save As” option. You are then able to save those 2D images into a specific folder or on the desktop. A CBCT image can be exported from either software. In EasyDent4...

  • On the bottom right of my screen there is a section that is flashing red.

    On the bottom right of my screen there is a section that is flashing red. F-server disconnected or I can not save images? EasyDent4 requires two services to be running in order to work optimally, which are DB server and File Server. When the File Server is disconnected it is because the File Server...

  • How do I edit patient information in EasyDent4?

    EasyDent4 has a tab named “Database” Click that tab and select patient. A new window will open with separate tabs for Patient Management. There you can search for the patient using either the Chart ID or name. Once you have found the patient in question, please click Modify and edit their information. Note: You will...

  • How do I create a new patient profile in EasyDent4?

    On the top left corner of EasyDent4 there is a “Patient” button as outlined below in Step 1. click the button and fill in as many fields for the patient as possible as shown below Step 2. NOTE: Chart; First Name; Last Name; DOB and Gender are required fields, other wise when launching the capture...

  • How do I install EasyDent4 software?

    First, your IT must establish the type of installation to be conducted. There are two separate setups types for EasyDent4. The console installation will either be on a acquisition computer however the data might be located locally to the Console (Capture PC) or the server. Workstation installations go on computers other than the Console...

  • EasyDent4 On Screen Keyboard "OSK" not working in Windows10

    Due to changes in Windows 10 certain features of the software such as the “OSK” or ON screen Keyboard function with in the search might not work on Windows 10; we recommend adding the following compatibility option to overcome this issue. In some cases this might not work due to OS build out; updates; patches...