Articles for "EzDent-i"

58 article(s) found for this tag.
  • How do bridge Open Dental to Easydent4 or EzDenti?

    OpenDental supports bridging to both Easydent4 as well as EzDent-i. Please consult with your qualified IT consultant or OpenDental support,. the following guide is provided as a reference only and subject to change with out notice. Open - OpenDental software - be sure you are logged in as an administrator account. In the main menu, click Setup,&nbs...

  • Compatibility SDK Bridge & Twain Integration Guide

    Datagrabber & SDK integration Compatibility for Vatech Software - The following chart to be used to identify Dattagrabber Functionality for Practice Management Software Bridging to EzDent-i / Easydent4 Direct SDK from Practice Management to EzDent-i/Easydent4 Twain for 2D & IntraOral HD Sensors.Note: Not all programs capable of twaining are...

  • Practice Management bridging to EzDenti- linkage.xml message when bridging information from 3rd party

    Practice Management bridging to EzDenti- linkage.xml message when bridging information from 3rd party is typically caused by lack of certain key patient information.First you will want to try a known good patient that has been previously passed and verify operation of the bridge it self, if it still failes then check that you can manually open EzDe...

  • Parsing Error When opening CT from EZDenti to Ez3DI

    Parsing Error When opening CT from EZDenti to Ez3DI typically seen during new installations on PC's due to invalid configuration.Open EzDent-i normally and click the "EzDent-i" logo in the upper left hand corner.Scroll down and select the Settings options.On the General tab that will open default - Check if the Server is selected, if...

  • Does Vatech Support VPN or other site to site / Multi site connections?

    Vatech doest not support the use of site to site VPN or other means for remote connections; as we have no way to trouble shoot such connections. Any setup of this nature would be considered 'use at own risk'.However technically possible; all sites would need to exist networked togeather so that all stations can access each other as if they ...

  • NCSW - Error E011, Error 11, Error 30 or empty box with Red X

    When trying to take images 2d Panoramic/Ceph or 3D CT images - Capture program produces "Error Code 11" or "Error Code 30" as shown below. In some cases you might get a blank empty box appear having only image of a Red XError [Code:11] / Error [Code:30] will also appear as shown below  In some cases; an Empty Box - Hav...

  • Backup Guide for EzSeries: EzServer Database for EzDent-i and Ez3D-i software?

    Vatech America highly recommends that ONLY certified IT professionals setup, manage and monitor daily redundant backups for your software.Your IT professional will need to download the following guide order to prepare for a successful backup.EzDent-i DB Backup - Version 3.0.1 or higherEZDent-i DB Backup - All previous VersionsNote: Please note that...

  • Can my unit be upgraded to use EzDent-i and Ez3D-i?

    Platform 2 (NEXGen Devices)All Listed Units are supported for upgrade to EZDent-i for 2D/3D units and Ez3D-i for all 3D Units*Pax-iPax-i3DPax-i3D GreenSmart3DEzSensor MultiEzSesnor-PreimiumEzSensor- HD*upgrade for Easydent4 sites are not included in lifetime updates. Please contact your local Vatech Rep for more information about upgrading to NEXGe...

  • How often should I backup EzDent-i?

    We recommend using a certified IT consultant to setup and manage your daily backups. Typically you will want a backup at the end of each 'production day' meaning any day your using your device capturing or saving images you will want it to be backed up.Typically your IT will use a redundant backup; one that runs locally nightly and other ba...

  • How to export 3D CT Images from EzDenti

    You can export them to save on local Hard drive, USB Flash drive, for upload to FTP  or CD .Note: due to file size you are not able to e-mail 3D CT volumes.If you would rather export them locally for saving onto USB drive, CD or other media the first thing you will want to do is open the patient chart to access the images as shown in the figur...