Use the following guide to Activate/Deactivate the FLOATING LICENSE Key only.
If using previous generation licensing by machine use the following How to Activate Guide
For new floating system follow the following guide to Activate or Deactivate the master license when moving servers.
Version required:
First verify that the most up todate version of EzSeries: EzDent-i, Ez3D-i, EzCommon Tools are installed.If you are not running the proper version or higher please review and follow the How to update EzSeries Guide to a supported version.
Required Version (Or Higher):
EZServer: V5.0.x or higher
EzDent-i: V3.3.2 or higher
Ez3D-i: V5.3.0 or higher
Ezortho: V1.2.x or higher
Locate License SN's:
Floating license type is activated to EzServer location, either on the Server or Capture Pc.
- Locate Installation USB's Containing the Serial keys or USB S/N from the accessory box materials. (This is normally found with the installation USB's and User/Installation Manuals)
- Locate the Device Serial number located on the Device example 047-00xxxx, 069-00xxxx....
- Floating License Keys example:

- Launch the Ezlauncher if you have a desktop icon if you do not see this icon continue to next step, if you do have the icon, skip the next few steps to the connection select step below.

- EzWebAgent.exe Tool from the C:\Program Files (X86)\Vatech\EzCommonTools\EzWebagent\

- If the Server IP / Port has not been configured the Quick Settings will appear and allow you to set the IP address of the EzServer
- Verify the default port (43112) is in use and click 'Search Server', a List will appear and select the proper server IP. If local the IP will be, if remote the IP will be the remote IP.
- Once Selected select Connection Check once the verification is finished and passed click save.

- Next the program will automatically run the EzLauncher to allow license activation, Click EzServer Web Console.

- Click Licesnse Manager
- Under the License Status List click the Add button.

License Key Activation Type:
- If provided License Key Code; Select Use a License Key

- When Prompted, Copy the License Key code from the provided list in section 1 from USB drive, and click 'From clipboard' to paste the Key and click Next.

- You will need to activate each Key provided repeating the steps for each individual key.
USB SN/Device SN Type:
- If provided USB SN/Device SN Activation Select Use USB/Machine Serial Key
- Enter the USB & Machine S/N and Click Next

Final Activation.
- After clicking 'Next', Activating starts.

Clinical Information
- If Prompted; Fill out he required clinic/site information.

- Click Register, once activated you will get a confirmation of the License type activated, click Done.

Launch the software to confirm functionality.
Deactivation for Moving or transferring Licenses
In the event of replacing the Server or PC that hosts the License system, you will need to first deactivate the License for reactivation on the new replacement Sever or PC.
- Select the License to be deactivated by selecting the vertical stacked ... as shown, you can select detail information to obtain the key code to copy.

- Be sure to copy the license code and save each key code into a note pad document if orginal file does not exist, before deacativation for reactivation on new Server or PC.
- Select 'Deactivate' once ready to deactivate and follow the steps to deactivate the code
- You will need to deactivate any/all activated License Type for transferring to new Server or PC.
- Once you have deacativated you will then need to follow the activation process listed previously on the new Server or PC hosting EzServer.